Privacy Policy

1. Preamble and Purpose

Particeep, a simplified joint stock company registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 790 884 084, whose registered office is located at 176 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, processes the personal data of visitors (the "Persons Concerned" or "You") to its website and its blog accessible at (together, the "Site"), in its capacity as data controller.

Particeep undertakes to process the personal data of the Data Subjects in accordance with the applicable regulations, i.e. to date Regulation n°2016/679 (EU) of 27 April 2016 known as the General Data Protection Regulation (" GDPR "), the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 in its updated version (together, the " Applicable regulations ").

In this respect, Particeep undertakes to respect its obligation of transparency and information towards the Data Subjects by making this policy available to them, the purpose of which is to inform them about the characteristics of the personal data processing that it implements, and about the rights that the Data Subjects have.

2. Definitions

Capitalized terms are either defined herein or have the meaning given to them by the Applicable Regulations, including the GDPR, such as, but not limited to, the terms "Personal data", "Treatment", "People involved", "Person in charge of the treatment", "Subcontractor", "Recipient"or "Data breach".

3. Characteristics of the Treatments

The Processing implemented by Particeep from the Personal Data of the Data Subjects are presented in the following tables.

3.1 Contact form

Purpose of the Processing  To allow Data Subjects to contact Particeep on various subjects related to the company and the services provided
Legal basis
Particeep's legitimate interest in facilitating contact, communication and, where appropriate, the establishment of business relations, especially since the Data Subject necessarily expects his or her Personal Data to be processed for this purpose when he or she fills in the contact form.
Category of Personal Data - Identity data (last name, first name, title, country)
- Contact data (email address, phone number)
- Connection data (traces, logs)
- Any other data that may be communicated by the Person Concerned in his/her message
Duration of treatment Personal data is kept for a period of 3 years from the last contact with the Data Subject (if a prospect) or from the end of the commercial relationship (if a customer).

3.2 Instant messaging of the site

Purpose of the Processing Provide information to Data Subjects about the services provided by Particeep
Legal basis of the Processing Particeep's legitimate interest in facilitating contact, communication and, where appropriate, the establishment of commercial relations, especially since the Data Subject necessarily expects his/her Personal Data to be processed for this purpose when he/she fills in the contact form.
Category of Personal Data - Identity-related data
- Contact data
- Connection data (traces, logs)
- Any other data that may be communicated by the Person Concerned during the exchange
Duration of treatment Personal data is kept for a period of 3 years from the last contact with the Data Subject (if a prospect) or from the end of the commercial relationship (if a customer).

3.3 Form to make a demo

Purpose of the Processing Make a demo of Particeep solutions
Legal basis of the Processing Particeep's legitimate interest in facilitating contact, communication, the completion of a demonstration and, where appropriate, the start of a commercial relationship, especially since the Data Subject necessarily expects his or her Personal Data to be processed for this purpose when he or she fills in the contact form.
Category of Personal Data - Identity data (surname, first name)
- Contact data (email address)
- Professional data (company)
- Any other data that may be communicated by the Person Concerned in his/her message
Duration of treatment Personal data is kept for a period of 3 years from the last contact with the Data Subject (in the case of a prospect) or from the end of the commercial relationship (in the case of a customer).

3.4 Newsletter

Purpose of the Processing Provide information to data subjects about the services provided by Particeep
Legal basis
Particeep's legitimate interest in providing information about its services to prospects and customers in order to encourage consumption of its services and ensure its development and economic survival.
Category of Data
- Contact data (email address)
- Connection data (traces, logs)
Duration of treatment Personal Data is kept for a period of 3 years from the last contact with the Data Subject (if a prospect) or from the end of the commercial relationship (if a customer).
In the meantime, the Data Subject may unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link in each email received.

3.5 Cookies

Purpose of the Processing Save cookie choices;
Customize the user interface (for language selection or service presentation) ;
Analyze and measure the site's audience and improve its performance;
Customize the ad;
Share content and information on your commercial networks, notably via share buttons
Legal basis
The processing of your personal data collected from cookies is based on your consent.
You can withdraw your consent at any time from the management module accessible on the Site.
As for the processing of your data from the cookies strictly necessary for the supply of the Site and its operation, it is based on our legitimate interest
Category of Data
- Internet browser cookie data: cookie identifiers, time/date, selected services/products, consent and approved cookie types;
- Device data: device type, screen resolution, operating system version, browser rendering kernel, version and basic settings;
- Log data: time and duration of use of the Site and search data;
- Location data: data about your country of access as indicated by your device;
- Behavioral Data: data about your use of the Site that Particeep may process if you visit or use third-party sites or applications to cooperate with Particeep, and data about how you engage with the content of the Site (such as pages visited, whether you came from a marketing campaign, button clicks, etc.).
Duration of treatment Cookies are never kept longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of the cookie.
The data collected from the cookies are kept for a maximum of 25 months.

3.6 Management of possible disputes, litigation and pre-litigation

Purpose of the Processing - Arrangement of evidence in the event of a dispute
- Management of exchanges in the event of a dispute
- Drafting of the necessary documents in case of litigation or pre-litigation.
Legal basis of the Processing Particeep's legitimate interest in organizing its defense in litigation by securing evidence and drafting all necessary documentation, which will necessarily include certain Personal Data of the Data Subject.
Category of Personal Data All of the above-mentioned Data as soon as they are necessary for the management of the dispute.
Duration of treatment Retention for the duration of the dispute and until (i) signature of the settlement agreement (pre-litigation) or (ii) exhaustion of the means of appeal (litigation).

4. Transferring personal data abroad

The Processing of Personal Data of Data Subjects is not subject to transfers outside the European Union.

In the event that Personal Data is transferred outside the European Union, Particeep undertakes to comply with all obligations relating to the transfer of Personal Data to a third country, including entering into a binding legal agreement with the recipient of the Personal Data, such as standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules, without prejudice to any other measures to ensure the security of the Personal Data.

As part of Google Analytics and/or the use of analytics, marketing and social networking cookies, your Personal Data may be transferred to companies based in the United States and stored on servers located in the United States.

Such transmission may present a risk to the processing of your Personal Data due to the lack of an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards with the United States. In particular, the transmission and processing of Personal Data by our partners in the United States may be subject to surveillance programs by U.S. government authorities and your Personal Data may be accessed by U.S. intelligence agencies or federal investigators. Non-U.S. individuals also do not have the same ability to counter surveillance by the relevant U.S. authorities. Finally, the United States does not have a single data protection authority.

Therefore, such transfers can only be made if you have given your explicit consent to their implementation.

If you use the Site when you are outside of France and the EEA, your information will be transferred outside of these territories in order for you to access the Site.

5. Recipients of the Personal Data

Particeep may disclose the Personal Data of Data Subjects to Authorized Recipients who are subject to an appropriate obligation of confidentiality, which may be internal or external as appropriate:

  • The Personal Data collected is accessible internally by the competent departments in charge of managing the various purposes concerned and access to the Personal Data is strictly limited to those who need to have access to it in the context of their mission.

The external recipients are :

  • The service providers or subcontractors that Particeep may use in the context of the Processing (e.g. hosting provider);
  • For the cookies used on the Website, Particeep uses the following subcontractors:
  • Google Analytics
  • Entities in charge of Particeep's consulting, auditing and financial control (e.g. auditor, lawyer);
  • Administrative or judicial authorities within the scope of their powers ;
  • In the event of a proposed fund raising, acquisition, sale or transfer of a business or assets of Particeep by any means, including by merger or sale of Particeep, the potential acquirer(s)/beneficiary(ies) and their advisors as part of an audit preceding the transaction. In the event of a transfer of business to a third party, the Personal Data of Particeep employees will be part of the transferred assets and as such will be processed by the beneficiary who will act as the new Data Controller under its own privacy policy.

The third-party cookies deposited on the Site also depend on other companies, responsible for processing, namely :

  • Advertising and data exchange technology providers (Google AdSense, Doubleclick);
  • Social networking platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter);
  • Providers of data analysis platforms and websites.

These companies may, if you accept these cookies, process Personal Data about you.

Particeep discloses your Personal Information to these companies or allows them access to such information for the purposes strictly necessary for the performance of their services, as set forth in Section 4.

Where Particeep discloses or permits access to your Personal Information to the companies listed above, they may disclose or transfer it to other organizations in accordance with their data protection policies.

This does not affect any of your personal rights with respect to the Personal Data. Where you request Particeep to correct, delete or restrict the processing of your Personal Data, Particeep will take steps to transmit this request to the companies with whom Particeep has shared your Personal Data.

The issuance and use of these cookies by the above companies are subject to their own privacy policies. For more information about these treatments, you can refer to their data protection policies.

6. Security

Furthermore, in view of the nature of the Personal Data and the risks that exist as a result of their processing, Particeep undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve their security and, in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

7. Rights of Affected Persons

7.1 Statement of Rights

In connection with the processing of Personal Data provided for herein, Data Subjects have the following rights:

  • Ask Particeep to confirm that data concerning them is being processed
  • Obtaining access to/copy of their processed Personal Data;
  • Obtaining rectification of Personal Data;
  • To obtain the deletion of all or part of the Personal Data when the Personal Data (i) are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, (ii) are based exclusively on consent, (iii) are the subject of a request for opposition;
  • To object to the Processing of their Personal Data for reasons related to their particular situation;
  • To obtain the limitation of the processing, temporarily, when the accuracy of the Personal Data is contested, when the Data Subject has objected to the processing, when the Personal Data are no longer necessary for the processing concerned but are still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;
  • To unsubscribe or to object to receiving commercial prospecting messages at any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link in any email sent by Particeep;
  • To provide instructions on what to do with their Personal Data post-mortem;
  • lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

7.2 Exercise of rights

If the Data Subject wishes to exercise any of the above rights, he or she may contact Particeep :

  • By mail to the following address: 29 Rue du Louvre, 75002 Particeep
  • By email to the following address:

The Data Subject's request must come exclusively from the Data Subject (unless a mandate is given to a third party in due form), and must be as clear and exhaustive as possible in order to allow Particeep to respond as quickly as possible, between one and three months depending on its level of complexity.

Particeep may ask the Person Concerned to complete his/her request if it is not sufficiently precise, if the right he/she wishes to exercise is not easily identifiable or if he/she is unable to establish his/her identity, in which case Particeep may ask him/her to provide additional information and in particular proof of identity, which will be deleted as soon as possible after verification of his/her identity.

In addition, Particeep will not be obliged to respond to the Data Subject's request if it is manifestly unfounded or excessive, and in particular if the request is repetitive or too complex to process and would have the purpose or effect of destabilizing Particeep's activities.

8. Updating of this Policy

Particeep may modify, supplement or update this policy at any time to take into account legal, regulatory and/or jurisprudential developments, changes in the characteristics of the Processing or new Processing.