A network of partners to accelerate the online distribution of financial services

Join our ecosystem of trusted partners to accelerate the dematerialization of financial product distribution on any web and mobile platform!

Become a partner

Let's design the future of online financial services distribution together

Technology partners

  • Integrate with Particeep's hub of technology partners to deliver the best online financial product underwriting experience to customers and advisors.
  • Your technology solutions are natively connected to Particeep solutions and are available for use without any IT development.

Consulting firms

  • Support Particeep clients in the deployment of Open banking or Open insurance solutions dedicated to the subscription to financial products.
  • Provide your expertise in digital financial services transformation around our turnkey financial product distribution solutions.

Business contributors

  • To develop the marketing of our turnkey online financial product distribution solutions, we rely on a network of qualified business introducers.
  • Enrich your product offering and generate additional recurring revenue by marketing Particeep solutions.

Our ambition is to create an ecosystem of experts in online subscription to financial products

We facilitate access to expertise related to the online marketing of financial products.
We aggregate the best of new technologies to bring additional value to our clients in a booming market!

Become a partner

Some of the partners who have joined the Particeep ecosystem

Kereis logo
Sopra Banking Software logo
France Fintech
Ariad Next
Exton consulting
national association of financial advisors
Finance Innovation
Stripe logo